Thursday, June 25, 2009

Can Video Games Improve Vision?

A research study performed by a team from the University of Rochester has found that playing action video games can improve aspects of vision in adults.
Contrast sensitivity, which is often impacted by ageing and by conditions such as lazy eye, can be improved by playing action video games, the study found. Improvements to contrast sensitivity generally require changing eye optics through surgery or with the use of prescription eyeglasses or contact lenses.
The research compared “expert” video game players who played games involving shooting at virtual targets with players who played non-action video games. Those who played the action games had better contrast sensitivity, according to the research.
The visual improvements that were noticed in the study’s participants were sustained over the course of months and years, seemingly refuting the long-held belief that time spent in front of a television or computer screen is harmful for one’s vision.
Dr. Daphne Bavelier, who was the lead researcher on the study, said that she believes several facets of video games contributed to the results. While playing action-filled video games, players are required to be constantly ready to react to unpredictable events and players must respond instantly to visual information. Dr. Bavelier is hopeful that further research could lead to new, more efficient ways of treating lazy eye. By using video games, both eyes can be encouraged to work together to restore the vision that is lacking in people who have lazy eye.

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